If you find yourself in dilemma to see one of your close one becoming some kind of a different person, you should look closely. Addiction often makes people a different version of themselves that has almost no match to some previous traits. It is not too uncommon for finding people unwilling to accept the problem or talk about it. As this makes having a conversation a tough thing, you would need some real-world suggestions to discuss what is an overdose.
You can do the following things
To figure out what makes you suspect there might be an issue, pay close attention to the person’s conduct over a few days or weeks. Whether you choose to seek counsel from a professional, speak with the person directly, or discuss with other family members about the problem, having this information will be helpful. Don’t feel as though you need a complete picture of the issue.
To find out how other family members and friends perceive the circumstance, discuss your observations with them. Choose who will approach the person about obtaining help if they agree there is a problem.
Make an appointment with a physician, employee assistance specialist, guidance counselor, clergy member, or other assisting expert to receive support. Explain your family member’s substance usage habits to the professional to determine whether they constitute an issue. Include information on the substance used, the amount consumed, the frequency of usage, the length of time the pattern has persisted, the consequences of the behavior, and the person’s reaction to talks or confrontations regarding substance use.
Make sure you and your family are protected from any potential damage, both physical and emotional. You should create a safety plan if physical violence is a threat or a possibility as addicted people often get irritated and react violently. Look out for a sober period to talk as it would prove to be more helpful.