Decline in cognitive ability during aging: is it true?

The aging is a natural process of life that eventually human beings – like it or not – going to face. In this, it does not only occur at the level of physical appearance but also cognitive changes associated with aging occur. It is true that with smart drugs you can improve the brain functions at greater extent. However, it is very effective. Thanks to the Nootropics, the smart drugs, cognitive abilities that decrease due to aging can be cured. Read the Qualia supplement review and know how smart drugs can help you retrieving the cognitive abilities. 

Definition and characteristics of aging

The aging is defined as “a continuous process, which determines universal and irreversible morphological, functional and physiological changes which result in a progressive loss of adaptability”. Therefore, the characteristics of aging are –

  • Universal: is typical of all living beings in general.
  • Irreversible: it cannot be stopped or reversed.
  • Heterogeneous and individual: each species has a characteristic rate of aging.

Cognitive changes in aging

It is necessary to carry out an evaluation of the person’s cognitive level. This evaluation may be subject to two biases. On the one hand, subjectivity in the interpretation of intellectual capacities, and on the other, the little familiarity that elderly people have with the instruments dedicated to psychological evaluation, which can lead to worse results. It is not in doubt that the physical changes in most cases are the most visible and marked, since they start very early. 

The memory

Memory loss seems to be the key sign of aging. Usually, older people find it difficult to recall recent events and suffer small forgetfulness. This can be caused by other physical factors such as neurological and circulatory changes that affect brain function, oxygenation and cellular nutrition, and other more psychological factors such as motivation, loss of interest in the environment, feelings of helplessness, depressive states, and disagreement with the current life situation, experience of grief, etc. Older people often complain of having trouble withholding or organizing information of little importance. 

The intelligence

Intelligence as such remains stable. Age does not seem to be a factor that modifies it by itself, although sometimes there is loss of interest, concentration difficulties or slowing down. This slowing down may be caused by physical changes in old age, which slows the blood flow, also influencing the brain.

The language

Although the language remains correct, sometimes it slows down. Verbal reasoning appears to be unchanged, although a slight loss in conceptualization ability and mental flexibility can be seen.

The ability to solve problems

The ability to solve problems is usually diminished mainly by the decrease in the ability to organize information. On the other hand, creativity seems to be maintained if you were already a creative person before, this variable being something very individual.

The personality

In relation to personality, we focus much more on our own and take the past as a reference, having difficulty understanding current generations. There is an increase in the tendency to preserve and store things and the resistance to change to the new increases. 

The motivation

The motivation to do personally satisfying activities does not always hold up. They tend to carry out much fewer activities, but it is necessary to ensure that those they carry out are more positive for their personal satisfaction. There are factors that can increase or decrease all these cognitive symptoms, such as general health and the absence of associated psychopathologies, cultural level, physical and mental activity, environmental stimuli, etc.


Finally, affectivity is an aspect of special importance throughout life and even more so in old age. The decrease in social contacts, the loss of loved ones or loneliness affects this characteristic of older people. Therefore, it is essential to have a positive approach to this stage of life.

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